After two weeks of vacationing in Orlando Florida (Disney World and standing in lines for 30 - 60 mins. for a 2.5 minute ride) we returned to a week of + 15 degree celcius weather. It was good to get out on the road for runs and rides.
The 2nd week back the weather took a change for the worse.
On April 16th I took a bike ride outside at -5 degrees celcius. It took 15 minutes to thaw my frozen toes. You ask me why I would ride in -5 degree weather. I blame it on my coach who told me that from now on all training is to be outside. Unfortunately we were not thinking that we were in for another couple weeks of winter with 2 feet of snow and -10 to -20 degree celcius temperatures.
On April 20th, 2008, in -10 degree celcius weather and a windchill factor of -15 degrees celcius, I ran in the St. Albert 10 Mile Road Race with my coach Ken Riess and friend Dan Boonstra. I was one of the 450 plus participants that completed the run in conditions of soft and slippery footing and did it in 1:30. Other than the chills and a sore achiles tendon the day after, I sufffered no adverse side effects.
It was an exhilarating experience and encouraging to see that I could complete a distance race in less than favorable conditions and post a good time to boot.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Oh the Agony but without the defeat.
For those who are old enough to remember there was a program on television called the Wide World of Sports that had a saying "the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat". Well I experienced the agony but it was not due to defeat. It has been a while since I have felt the agony of a saddle sore butt, sore feet, and legs.
On Tuesday I received a call from a writer (Nick Lees) for the Edmonton Journal asking me if I would be interested in doing an interview for an article he wanted write on me. Nick interviewed me for 1.5 hrs. and took down a lot of information. The interview and resulting story was a little different than other interviews and stories in that Nick wanted less of the facts surrounding the transplant and life after and more of the feelings and emotions that I experienced in the process. Nick also interviewed Colleen and included some of her thoughts in the article. (View Link under menu item Transplant Information Links "Recipient puts heart to ultimate test")
This past week (April 8-13) has been my first week back from vacation and the first week with weather that was conducive to getting out on the road for riding and running. It was also the week that I think my coach figured it was now time to push my limits and see what this old man's body could do by increasing the time on the bike and run.
My exercise schedule looked something like this:
- Thursday: 1 hr. bike (BT: Criss-cross threshold. Flat course. Warm-up and then
ride 20 minutes in heart rate 4-5a zones. Criss-cross from low 4 to high 5a zone
every 1-2 minutes. 85-100 rpm.)
- Friday: 1 hr. run with a number of 20 sec. pickups. (I was quite sore the next
- Saturday: 1 hr. swim and 2 hr. bike ride (My butt was incredibly sore)
- Sunday: 1:45 hr. run (difficulty walking due to sore feet and legs)
There has been a new discovery by Dr. Mark Haykowski at the University of Alberta that correlates cardiac function with muscle use efficiency in Heart Transplants. When I was in an exercise program for one of Marks research studies I would often mention that I felt like I had plenty of cardiac endurance but my legs seemed to tire. Recent study results by Dr. Mark has shown that the ability of the transplanted heart to provide the necessary blood flow to the large muscle groups (e.g. leg quads) is restricted which explains why my legs tire before I am out of breath. This causes some concern for me in that I don't know how my body will respond to excessive exercise times (e.g. an Ironman of 14+ hrs.).
I have also realized that standing long periods of time (e.g. as when standing in lines for hrs. at Disney World)and sitting on a hard narrow surface (e.g. bike seat) that there is a lot of pain due to the pressure on the bones. I believe that there must be a weakening of the bones although I have not had a bone density scan recently to determine if that is indeed the case.
I guess we will see if my body and bones adjust to the longer rides and runs. If not I will simply have to find a way to deal with the pain.
On Tuesday I received a call from a writer (Nick Lees) for the Edmonton Journal asking me if I would be interested in doing an interview for an article he wanted write on me. Nick interviewed me for 1.5 hrs. and took down a lot of information. The interview and resulting story was a little different than other interviews and stories in that Nick wanted less of the facts surrounding the transplant and life after and more of the feelings and emotions that I experienced in the process. Nick also interviewed Colleen and included some of her thoughts in the article. (View Link under menu item Transplant Information Links "Recipient puts heart to ultimate test")
This past week (April 8-13) has been my first week back from vacation and the first week with weather that was conducive to getting out on the road for riding and running. It was also the week that I think my coach figured it was now time to push my limits and see what this old man's body could do by increasing the time on the bike and run.
My exercise schedule looked something like this:
- Thursday: 1 hr. bike (BT: Criss-cross threshold. Flat course. Warm-up and then
ride 20 minutes in heart rate 4-5a zones. Criss-cross from low 4 to high 5a zone
every 1-2 minutes. 85-100 rpm.)
- Friday: 1 hr. run with a number of 20 sec. pickups. (I was quite sore the next
- Saturday: 1 hr. swim and 2 hr. bike ride (My butt was incredibly sore)
- Sunday: 1:45 hr. run (difficulty walking due to sore feet and legs)
There has been a new discovery by Dr. Mark Haykowski at the University of Alberta that correlates cardiac function with muscle use efficiency in Heart Transplants. When I was in an exercise program for one of Marks research studies I would often mention that I felt like I had plenty of cardiac endurance but my legs seemed to tire. Recent study results by Dr. Mark has shown that the ability of the transplanted heart to provide the necessary blood flow to the large muscle groups (e.g. leg quads) is restricted which explains why my legs tire before I am out of breath. This causes some concern for me in that I don't know how my body will respond to excessive exercise times (e.g. an Ironman of 14+ hrs.).
I have also realized that standing long periods of time (e.g. as when standing in lines for hrs. at Disney World)and sitting on a hard narrow surface (e.g. bike seat) that there is a lot of pain due to the pressure on the bones. I believe that there must be a weakening of the bones although I have not had a bone density scan recently to determine if that is indeed the case.
I guess we will see if my body and bones adjust to the longer rides and runs. If not I will simply have to find a way to deal with the pain.
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My Story
What stories inspire men to dream and more importantly inspire them to achieve their own dreams? Are the stories that attract and inspire men so exceptional and so far beyond the grasp of human ability that men can only dream without the hope of ever achieving?
It has been said that exceptional men are simply common men that find themselves in extraordinary circumstances. Every day men all over the world (e.g. military personnel) find themselves in situations where they must either perform beyond their physical, emotional, and mental abilities, or die. Few men willing put themselves in situations where death, for the purpose of proving themselves extraordinary, is imminent.
What makes this story different than all the other stories of human will, faith, desire, determination, perseverance, strength, survival etc.
Why would anyone want to read my story? Is it any different than a 100,000 other stories of men that have overcome the odds in order to achieve their dreams. Maybe what makes a story unique and inspiring is not so much what was done in the face of overwhelming odds but the why and how any man, finding themselves in the same set of circumstances, has the potential within them self of achieving the same success.
It is my hope and prayer that my story will inspire people to not only dream but more importantly make their dreams a reality. It is faith in action that results in greater faith and action.
What did I do to deserve this?
I must have done something terribly wrong to deserve what happened to me on August 4, 1986 and which I have now had to live with for the past 21 yrs.
What did I do to deserve such a fate?
Was I abusive to my body?
Was I abusive to my wife?
Was I an evil man that God decided to punish?
A better question might be why not me?
I was no different than any other North American male. You will have to forgive me for labeling males in the same category of what I would describe as the typical North American male. I was egocentric in that all I wanted to do was enjoy life even if it meant taking time away from my wife of 3 yrs. so I could do those things that would provide the most excitement and self fulfillment in life. Week nights I was either, catching up on work, playing community league sports, or watching sports. Weekends, I was either, water skiing, playing football, camping, or playing golf. There was very little time for much else. Of course where I could I included my wife (Colleen) and those students I taught. Although I was not a partier in that I did not smoke or drink, I had an addiction to busyness and sport. Unless someone, or something, was to slow me down my life as a husband and future father was headed toward disaster. Then it happened.
What Happened?
In April of 1986 I came down with what I thought to be the flu. I had all the flu symptoms plus a few besides (e.g. aches, pains, nausea, migraines, fatigue to the point where I didn’t have enough energy to brush my teeth, lack of appetite, constant thirst). Common flu symptoms right? What I couldn’t figure out was why it was taking so long to get rid of this flu bug. Besides that when I laid down at night to sleep I felt as though I was suffocating and ended up having to sleep sitting up. After a couple weeks of nagging from Colleen I had finally had enough and went to the doctor. A doctor’s examination proved Dr. Dwight’s prognosis, as suggested to Colleen, was right, there was nothing wrong. However, the doctor did say that if I had difficulty sleeping that the evening I was to come in the next day for a chest x-ray and further tests. Wouldn’t you know it I ended up in the doctor’s office the next day. Upon further examination Colleen and I were called in for a private consultation with the doctor where he shared that there was something wrong with my heart. My response was “either fix it or just tell me what I need to take or do to fix it”. After all I was a fit and active 26 yr. old with a belief that all problems have solutions. Unfortunately it wasn’t quite that simple.
After being admitted to the Hospital and having two cardiologists provide their diagnosis of the situation I was given the news that no person wants to ever hear; your condition is terminal and there is nothing that can be done to reverse it. You will not live beyond your 28th birthday. If you have ever felt total hopelessness where you suddenly realized that there is nothing humanly possible that can be done; that was the feeling I felt for two days. If you have never had a sense of real hopelessness, I liken it to being dropped off, by your parents, at a camp where you don’t know anyone and the resulting feeling of loneliness that is felt in the pit of your stomach.
After a couple of days I had come to terms with the fact that I had a very short time to live and was ready to make the best of it. Knowing and sensing that there were hundreds of people praying for me throughout North America resulted in a peace that could only be described as the hand of God. My faith was still in tact believing that whether God wanted to take me or spare my life was ok with me. Then one morning the Cardiologists paid me another visit where they suggested that I consider a treatment that could result in adding years to my life. How many years they could not tell me. When I heard their suggestion I thought they were crazy. Why would I consider such a ludicrous option. Their suggestion was something that only happened in science fiction and horror movies. The cardiologists still encouraged me to consider the option and take a trip down to Tucson Az. where, at the Tucson Medical Center Hospital, they were performing, what in my opinion, was experimental research on human subjects. Who could imagine, 21 yrs. ago, that doctors were actually taking out a live people’s hearts and putting in dead people’s hearts. In any case since we were living in Phoenix at the time we would make the trip and meet with the people that were performing these “experimental” procedures.
When we met with the transplant team coordinator I made it clear from the start that I had no intention of agreeing to such a procedure unless they could prove to me that I would have every opportunity to live a normal live. Of course normal to me was the ability to do all that I had ever done before the transplant. They assured me that I would and showed me pictures of a transplant recipient that was doing triathlons. It seemed us that we were being given a lot of attention but didn’t give it much thought at the time. We were introduced to the head transplant surgeon (world renown Dr. Copeland) and other transplant recipients that were doing well. We were strongly encouraged to consider the option of a heart transplant and at least go through the “work-up” to determine if I would qualify as a candidate. We went back to Phoenix still believing that transplantation was not an option and that we would simply trust God to work things out. Over the next week after discussions with Colleen and continued deterioration of my health Colleen checked with the insurance carrier for her group plan and miraculously found that they had just determined transplantation to be clinical and would cover the entire down payment and transplantation costs. This was confirmation to us that we should go ahead with the work-up. The results of the work-up were, on the positive side, that I was a good candidate however the bad news was that it was estimated that my condition was more serious than first thought and had only 2 months to live.
To make a longer story shorter, with lots of patience, faith and prayer I received the call that a heart had been donated and was given new life 4 days short of 2 months on August 4th, 1986. Over the past 21 yrs. there have been many challenges as well as blessings. Colleen and I have 3 healthy boys, which we were told was a real miracle since there were issues around the effects of the medications on our ability to have children. All three boys have grown to be fine young men with whom I enjoy many outdoor and sporting activities. Colleen has been a tower of strength through all this and continues to show great patience and love for me during those times when I am moody and irritable. For the past 3 yrs. I have been training and running triathlons with a life goal to be the first Heart transplant to complete the Ironman which I hope to be realized August 24th, 2008.
Why the longevity?
What do I attribute my longevity as a Heart Transplant to:
· A faithful, loving God and family
· The transplant team of the University of Alberta that has taken care of me for 20 out of the 21 years post transplant.
· Dr. Mark Haykowski friend and researcher of the effects of exercise on the transplanted heart.
· Ken Riess friend and triathlon coach who inspires me to push the limits of a Heart Transplants physical fitness.
· GoodHearts Mentoring Foundation members that inspire me, in spite of the physical challenges they face, through their perseverance, determination, and desire to live healthy and productive lives.
· The organizations that promote donor awareness and support my efforts in becoming an Ironman.
Without these people in my life I would not be alive today let alone training and believing that I have the ability to complete an Ironman.
Final Questions
Two final question remain to be answered.
What motivates me to keep pressing on?
Does a Heart Transplant recipient have the ability to meet the requirements of both a physically and psychologically demanding exercise program in preparation for and completion of an Ironman event?
It has been said that exceptional men are simply common men that find themselves in extraordinary circumstances. Every day men all over the world (e.g. military personnel) find themselves in situations where they must either perform beyond their physical, emotional, and mental abilities, or die. Few men willing put themselves in situations where death, for the purpose of proving themselves extraordinary, is imminent.
What makes this story different than all the other stories of human will, faith, desire, determination, perseverance, strength, survival etc.
Why would anyone want to read my story? Is it any different than a 100,000 other stories of men that have overcome the odds in order to achieve their dreams. Maybe what makes a story unique and inspiring is not so much what was done in the face of overwhelming odds but the why and how any man, finding themselves in the same set of circumstances, has the potential within them self of achieving the same success.
It is my hope and prayer that my story will inspire people to not only dream but more importantly make their dreams a reality. It is faith in action that results in greater faith and action.
What did I do to deserve this?
I must have done something terribly wrong to deserve what happened to me on August 4, 1986 and which I have now had to live with for the past 21 yrs.
What did I do to deserve such a fate?
Was I abusive to my body?
Was I abusive to my wife?
Was I an evil man that God decided to punish?
A better question might be why not me?
I was no different than any other North American male. You will have to forgive me for labeling males in the same category of what I would describe as the typical North American male. I was egocentric in that all I wanted to do was enjoy life even if it meant taking time away from my wife of 3 yrs. so I could do those things that would provide the most excitement and self fulfillment in life. Week nights I was either, catching up on work, playing community league sports, or watching sports. Weekends, I was either, water skiing, playing football, camping, or playing golf. There was very little time for much else. Of course where I could I included my wife (Colleen) and those students I taught. Although I was not a partier in that I did not smoke or drink, I had an addiction to busyness and sport. Unless someone, or something, was to slow me down my life as a husband and future father was headed toward disaster. Then it happened.
What Happened?
In April of 1986 I came down with what I thought to be the flu. I had all the flu symptoms plus a few besides (e.g. aches, pains, nausea, migraines, fatigue to the point where I didn’t have enough energy to brush my teeth, lack of appetite, constant thirst). Common flu symptoms right? What I couldn’t figure out was why it was taking so long to get rid of this flu bug. Besides that when I laid down at night to sleep I felt as though I was suffocating and ended up having to sleep sitting up. After a couple weeks of nagging from Colleen I had finally had enough and went to the doctor. A doctor’s examination proved Dr. Dwight’s prognosis, as suggested to Colleen, was right, there was nothing wrong. However, the doctor did say that if I had difficulty sleeping that the evening I was to come in the next day for a chest x-ray and further tests. Wouldn’t you know it I ended up in the doctor’s office the next day. Upon further examination Colleen and I were called in for a private consultation with the doctor where he shared that there was something wrong with my heart. My response was “either fix it or just tell me what I need to take or do to fix it”. After all I was a fit and active 26 yr. old with a belief that all problems have solutions. Unfortunately it wasn’t quite that simple.
After being admitted to the Hospital and having two cardiologists provide their diagnosis of the situation I was given the news that no person wants to ever hear; your condition is terminal and there is nothing that can be done to reverse it. You will not live beyond your 28th birthday. If you have ever felt total hopelessness where you suddenly realized that there is nothing humanly possible that can be done; that was the feeling I felt for two days. If you have never had a sense of real hopelessness, I liken it to being dropped off, by your parents, at a camp where you don’t know anyone and the resulting feeling of loneliness that is felt in the pit of your stomach.
After a couple of days I had come to terms with the fact that I had a very short time to live and was ready to make the best of it. Knowing and sensing that there were hundreds of people praying for me throughout North America resulted in a peace that could only be described as the hand of God. My faith was still in tact believing that whether God wanted to take me or spare my life was ok with me. Then one morning the Cardiologists paid me another visit where they suggested that I consider a treatment that could result in adding years to my life. How many years they could not tell me. When I heard their suggestion I thought they were crazy. Why would I consider such a ludicrous option. Their suggestion was something that only happened in science fiction and horror movies. The cardiologists still encouraged me to consider the option and take a trip down to Tucson Az. where, at the Tucson Medical Center Hospital, they were performing, what in my opinion, was experimental research on human subjects. Who could imagine, 21 yrs. ago, that doctors were actually taking out a live people’s hearts and putting in dead people’s hearts. In any case since we were living in Phoenix at the time we would make the trip and meet with the people that were performing these “experimental” procedures.
When we met with the transplant team coordinator I made it clear from the start that I had no intention of agreeing to such a procedure unless they could prove to me that I would have every opportunity to live a normal live. Of course normal to me was the ability to do all that I had ever done before the transplant. They assured me that I would and showed me pictures of a transplant recipient that was doing triathlons. It seemed us that we were being given a lot of attention but didn’t give it much thought at the time. We were introduced to the head transplant surgeon (world renown Dr. Copeland) and other transplant recipients that were doing well. We were strongly encouraged to consider the option of a heart transplant and at least go through the “work-up” to determine if I would qualify as a candidate. We went back to Phoenix still believing that transplantation was not an option and that we would simply trust God to work things out. Over the next week after discussions with Colleen and continued deterioration of my health Colleen checked with the insurance carrier for her group plan and miraculously found that they had just determined transplantation to be clinical and would cover the entire down payment and transplantation costs. This was confirmation to us that we should go ahead with the work-up. The results of the work-up were, on the positive side, that I was a good candidate however the bad news was that it was estimated that my condition was more serious than first thought and had only 2 months to live.
To make a longer story shorter, with lots of patience, faith and prayer I received the call that a heart had been donated and was given new life 4 days short of 2 months on August 4th, 1986. Over the past 21 yrs. there have been many challenges as well as blessings. Colleen and I have 3 healthy boys, which we were told was a real miracle since there were issues around the effects of the medications on our ability to have children. All three boys have grown to be fine young men with whom I enjoy many outdoor and sporting activities. Colleen has been a tower of strength through all this and continues to show great patience and love for me during those times when I am moody and irritable. For the past 3 yrs. I have been training and running triathlons with a life goal to be the first Heart transplant to complete the Ironman which I hope to be realized August 24th, 2008.
Why the longevity?
What do I attribute my longevity as a Heart Transplant to:
· A faithful, loving God and family
· The transplant team of the University of Alberta that has taken care of me for 20 out of the 21 years post transplant.
· Dr. Mark Haykowski friend and researcher of the effects of exercise on the transplanted heart.
· Ken Riess friend and triathlon coach who inspires me to push the limits of a Heart Transplants physical fitness.
· GoodHearts Mentoring Foundation members that inspire me, in spite of the physical challenges they face, through their perseverance, determination, and desire to live healthy and productive lives.
· The organizations that promote donor awareness and support my efforts in becoming an Ironman.
Without these people in my life I would not be alive today let alone training and believing that I have the ability to complete an Ironman.
Final Questions
Two final question remain to be answered.
What motivates me to keep pressing on?
Does a Heart Transplant recipient have the ability to meet the requirements of both a physically and psychologically demanding exercise program in preparation for and completion of an Ironman event?